Monday, 22 April 2013

Dates still available

Had a great day at the Wedding Fair at Whitstable Castle yesterday. Met lots of lovely people and took a few more bookings for the summer.

Some dates still available for this year -
 If you are interested please email me at

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Wedding Fair

Looking forward to scooping at Whitstable Castle tomorrow.
 Dates still available for
Wedding and Event bookings
this Summer.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

At last!

Hoping to finally get the bike out today and tomorrow.
There is a bit of sun forecast this afternoon, and although it's only going to get up to a max of 7°C (8°C Sunday), the wind is going to drop off at last, so it should feel a lot warmer.

 Pictures from shoot for last Summer's Junior Crew catalalogue.